Chrome Extensions For School & Productivity That Students Will Fail Without!

Google Chrome extensions for school and productivity

What are the Chrome extensions for school and productivity that all students need?

If you are a student, you must be really short on time. I’m sure some of you skipped the into or will skip the intro just because you don’t have the time or energy for it, or you’ve been reading and studying so much that you’re just done with it. Don’t worry; I make this as short as possible.  So here’s a list of 10 essential Google Chrome extensions for school and productivity that will help you save time, energy, and do your homework.

 The best Google Chrome extensions for school and productivity top 10 list

These are the essential Google Chrome extensions for school that will help you survive school and a brief explanation about how they can help you. All of these Chrome extensions are useful and important, but the most important one is the 10th one. So make sure to read till the end.

1-Google Dictionary 

The importance of having a Good dictionary for students is unavoidable. You need a dictionary to read different essays, studies, and understand different subjects. A Good dictionary helps you communicate better with people all around the world in different languages. You can choose the right words with its help and get better grades.

One of the options this Chrome extension gives you is instant translation. For example, if you’re reading something on the web and a word seems unfamiliar, you can just highlight that word and get the definition of it.

The Google Dictionary Chrome extension is the best, fastest, and easiest dictionary to use. So make sure to have it in your dictionary list.


As a student, you always have a to-do list. whether it’s on tension or intensionally. So it is better to have a prepared and script to-do list for any period of time. This way you’ll develop skills like having discipline. Also, you’ll be able to finish all your duties while you save lots of time and energy.

With the Todoist extension, you can list your tasks on Chrome. You can add all of the tasks that you need to do for the day. It also shows how many tasks you have left unfinished.



Highlighting texts while we read has always been helpful and a big time saver. By highlighting the important parts of the texts, we can draw our attention immediately to them and don’t waste our time trying to find them.

With the Weava Chrome extension you can:

  • Highlight websites and PDFs with different colors.
  • Organize your highlights into folders and sub-folders.
  • Create citations automatically for your highlights
  • Save your highlights in the cloud so you can access them anywhere you want.


4-Cite this for me

As you can guess by the name, this Google Chrome extension is basically a website maker. It can help you in doing your research papers, essays, or any related homework. This extension automatically creates website citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles. All you have to do is to browse to the page you wish to cite and click the button to generate a correctly formatted citation. Then copy-and-paste the citation into your assignment.

But remember to check it yourself to make sure that you correct any possible mistake that might have happened.

5-Dark reader

Whether it’s right or wrong, some people prepare to study at night. One of the things that night owl students complain about is their eyes hurting by the screen’s light. With the Dark reader Google Chrome extension, you can take care of your eyes and use the dark theme for the night and daily browsing. It’s not only a dark mode and a light mode. You can make the lights on your screen lighter, darker, or warmer.


Momentum replaces your Chrome dashboard with the goal of your day, inspirational quotes, beautiful background pictures, and weather, every time you open a new tab.

You can write the main focus and goal of the day. It even gives you a space to write your to-do list and once you are done you can check them off.

This Chrome extension is an all-in-one extension that everyone should have. Momentum has over 3,000,000 users all over the world.


Sometimes you need to look at two pages to do one job. For example when you’re translating, recreating a text, or anything else. So you have to constantly switch between pages which is kind of frustrating. That’s what the Dualless extension is here for. This extension splits your browser windows into two by just 2 clicks. It gives you several options ratios of the two screens or browsers to choose. This extension is so useful for those who work only on one screen.



Some texts are too hard to read. The visor extension is here to make them easy as a children’s storybook. Basically, this extension is a screen dimmer and reading aid. It may help with fluency, eye strain, concentration, and comprehension whilst reading. You can choose how many lines you want to be able to read at once, and it will highlight them for you; So finding and reading them becomes easier. This way you can focus better. People with ADHD and visual sensitivities love this extension. It is also a suitable extension for people who work and read at night time.


9Mercury reader

Links, pictures, different colors, and images could be really distracting and disturbing when you’re reading a web page. This is when The Mercury reader comes and saves you. All you have to do is to activate the Mercury reader; it will omit the distracting stuff on the webpage and it leaves you with only the important text. This is another popular Chrome extension for people with attention difficulties. Other options Mercury reader gives you are changing the font, changing the size, and dark mode.

10-Language Learning with Netflix and YouTube Google Chrome extension

School time is the best time to learn a language. Because your brain is active and ready to learn everything. Language learning with Netflix and YouTube is the best tool for language learning. It will help you a lot if you have French, German, Spanish, Korean, or any other language classes.

Netflix has always been a very popular platform for language learning. Because the best way to learn a language is by watching movies and series; and Netflix has movies, series, and TV shows from all around the world in different languages. You can learn daily and useful words and phrases, accents, and the culture of your target language by watching Netflix.

When it comes to learning anything, YouTub’s name shines. Some people have mastered a language just by watching YouTube. On YouTube, you can find online courses, music, music videos, TV shows, interviews, news, and everything else in your target language that helps you on your language learning journey.

But unfortunately, Netflix and YouTube alone won’t really satisfy you in language learning; unless you have Language learning with Netflix and YouTube Google Chrome extension. This Chrome extension gives your Netflix and YouTube language learning theme and options. Some of the options are:

 Dual Subtitles:

You can have two subtitles in two different languages on the screen. For instance; you can choose your target language for the upper subtitles and choose your mother language as the lower subtitles. This way you can learn new words, pronunciations, writing, and understand what the film is about.

Hover dictionary

If you want to know the meaning of a specific word or sentence on the subtitles, all you have to do is to hover the mouse over it and get the meaning right away. This way you don’t have to stop the film and go search for the meaning in the dictionary.

Save words and phrases in the sidebar

Nothing is more important than reviewing when it comes to learning anything. With this extension, you can save words and sentences from subtitles for later review. Save them with just one click and they will be saved in the sidebar.

Download saved words and phrases

Export your saved words and sentences so you can review them when you are offline. You can export them as:

-Text file

-Anki/CSV file

-Anki flashcard

-PDF file

The auto-pause button

This option lets you create so many fun exercises to learn your target language.  Activate the auto-pause button and put it on one of these modes:

  1. The video stops after every sentence automatically and starts playing again when you press the space key
  2. The video stops after every sentence automatically and starts playing again after a few seconds itself.

You can choose the pausing time in the setting section.


This Chrome extension has so many more options to help you learn your target language. These are the most popular ones. If you want to know more about this extraordinary language learning Chrome extension click here.



What are your favorite Chrome extensions for school, productivity, and studying?

Leave a comment and share your favorite Chrome extensions for school with other students like you. I hope you get the best out of your semester, get amazing grades, and have so much fun.

Check out to know excellent tips about studying and language learning.

Also, check out to get short and easy tutorials about working with Netflix and YouTube Chrome extension.

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