The Unbelievable Cultural Effect On Language Learning That You Should Know Of

How to use the cultural effect on language learning

Why does cultural effect on language learning matter?

It is impossible to learn a language without getting involved with the culture. Learning a language without grasping the culture is just saying some robotic words and phrases. When you start to learn a language without getting familiar with the culture, your mind treats the language like a stranger. That’s why learning your target language gets hard. But if you understand the language by grasping the culture, you’ll find yourself being fluent in your target language like it’s your mother tongue. That’s what makes the cultural effect on language learning so important.

What is the cultural effect on language learning?

Some people translate the words in their brain when they want to speak in their target language. Grasping your target language’s culture helps you skip that part. Because when you know a language’s culture, every word finds its own world, history, and meaning. Basically, it allows you to think in your target language because you make neuropathways in your target language. So the chances of saying the right words at the right time rise.

One of the other cultural effects on language learning is that it makes it easier. Because culture forms a sort of programming in your brain that affects the way you receive new information. If you have the right cultural perspective of your target language, you understand new information easier and better.


How to use the cultural effect on language learning?

You can find the culture of your target language in so many things. For instance:

Netflix and YouTube

On Netflix and YouTube, you can find all sorts of videos from all around the world. On Netflix, you can find movies, series, TV shows, and documentaries in your target language that can teach you so much about the culture.

Also with a simple search, you can find videos on YouTube that tell you all about your target language’s culture. Also, you can find other videos like music videos, reality shows, cooking shows, interviews, and news that can give you a good perspective on your target language’s culture.

But unfortunately, YouTube and Netflix can’t be really reliable sources. Unless you have language learning with Netflix and YouTube Google Chrome extension.


Language learning with Netflix and YouTube Google Chrome extension

This Google Chrome extension gives your Netflix and YouTube so many language learning options that make learning about the cultures and languages so much easier and better. Some of the options are

  • Having two subtitles at the same time on the screen
  • Instant dictionary when you hover the mouse on each word on subtitles
  • Save any words or sentences with their meaning
  • Download your saved words and sentences with their meaning for offline review
  • The auto-pause button gives you so many cool language learning exercises
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • designing the place, color, and background color for subtitles

Click here to download language learning with Netflix and YouTube Google Chrome extension.

Here’s a two-minute LLNY tutorial video:



Books and magazines

The good thing about magazines is that they speak updated and in a daily style that matches people’s spirit and lifestyle, and they’re grammatically correct. So you can learn vocabulary and grammar while getting to know more things about your target language’s culture.

Also, if you start to read books in your target language, and totally understand what you’re reading, means that you’re really fluent in your target language. Of course, it’s not easy at the beginning. That’s why you need to start from easier books and give yourself time to progress little by little.

Do not miss your target language’s literature. Because it teaches you vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure; also  It is an expression of culture because it conveys the human knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors.

Even if you’re not that fluent in your target language to read literature, I recommend you to read the translation. For instance, if you’re learning Russian, start to read Russian literature classics translated into your mother language. It does not teach you anything about the language. But it gives you a good perspective about how Russians feel, see, and calculate stuff. Which tells you so much about the culture.


I am not joking. Memes can teach you so much about your target language and its culture. They show you what is trending right now in your target languages world, what is trending, and what people find funny.

Here’s a way to learn your target language from memes. Follow meme pages or #meme in your target language on any social media account that you have. Watch every meme post and translate the ones that you don’t understand. If you don’t understand some memes, you can simply leave a comment and ask native people to explain them to you. You’ll be surprised how close you can get to fluency and your target language’s culture with this technique.


YouTubers and bloggers

Read the blogs of your target language’s native people. Search your favorite subjects and read the blogs in your target language. See what your target language people are talking about and concerned about. If you are not a fan of reading, you can google chrome extensions and turn the blogs into audio podcasts and listen to them. Click here to know all the essential Google Chrome extensions that you need to become fluent in your target language faster than ever.

Find your target language’s native YouTubers, especially the ones who post vlogs. You can find vlogs in which people do normal daily stuff, like going to school, going shopping, spending holidays, traveling, or just talking to the camera. But remember to definitely watch the vlogs with LLY and use features like dual subtitles and the hover dictionary. Because this way you learn you’re target language while your learning about the culture.

Travel to that country 

Traveling to your target language country is the strongest and the most efficient way to learn your target language. This way you learn your target language and its culture by communicating with native people, which is the most direct way to learn something. You feel your target language and its culture with your bones and spirit. When you travel to you your target language’s country, you become involved with the language and the culture even if you don’t want to. It’s like you become one with the language and the culture. So you should definitely put traveling to your target’s country on your to-do list.

Do you have any experience with the cultural effect on language learning?

If you have any tips or experience with the cultural effect on language learning, you should definitely leave a comment and share it with other language learners.

Check out to know the best ways to learn a language.

Also, check out if you want easy and fast tutorials about how to work with language learning with Netflix and YouTube Google Chrome extension.





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